Safe Staffing

Campaign Details

For decades, the United States healthcare system has understaffed healthcare workers to cut costs. Nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, CNAs, occupational therapists, pharmacists, social workers - healthcare workers of all disciplines have been intentionally understaffed to maximize profits for hospital systems.

These staffing decisions come at a cost to patients’ safety. Healthcare workers need adequate time and resources to safely care for their patients.
Unsafe staffing is contributing to workplace injuries, burnout, and the Great Resignation of healthcare workers.
Patients and healthcare workers alike NEED safe staffing ratios.
Safe staffing saves lives.

Our Impact


  • Received 550,000+ petition signatures
  • Sent: 23,000+ emails to the Joint Commission
  • Provided: Month long education campaign about unsafe staffing
  • Gained 500+ new direct action members
  • Sent billboards to The Joint Commission asking why safe staffing is not included in audits
IMPACT sent billboards to The Joint Commission asking why they do not include safe staffing in safety audits

Campaign Resources

Click each image below to view our public awareness education materials:
Link to resource 1Link to resource 1Link to resource 1Link to resource 1


At IMPACT in Healthcare, we strive to provide accurate and well-cited information to help you advocate for meaningful change in healthcare. Our educational materials are open and accessible because we believe in empowering you with the tools needed to make a difference. We kindly ask that you credit "IMPACT in Healthcare, 2022" when using these resources, so our education team receives the recognition they deserve for their dedication and hard work.

It's time for change
Building a better system for ALL patients and Healthcare Workers
PO Box 75972, Los Angeles, CA 90075-9997
501(c)(3) Organization, EIN: 87-2641586
Copyright 2023 IMPACT in Healthcare.