Abby Donley

Executive Director

Headshot of Abby

Abby has been a nurse since 2007. She has proudly worked as a CNA and LPN before receiving her BSN. Abby ended her bedside career after working in a Manhattan COVID ICU. During this time, Abby’s enthusiasm for advocacy flourished, leading her to a career in labor and healthcare reform and ultimately founding founding IMPACT in Healthcare.

Abby has also worked as an SEIU Representative / Organizer / Union Education Coordinator, teaching nurses and healthcare professionals the tools to propel their advocacy. She is currently enrolled in a master’s degree in healthcare policy to further her fight for both Healthcare Workers and Patients.

Abby is passionate about labor rights, income equality, intersectional feminism, LGBTQIA+ liberation, and racial justice.


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It's time for change
Building a better system for ALL patients and Healthcare Workers
PO Box 75972, Los Angeles, CA 90075-9997
501(c)(3) Organization, EIN: 87-2641586
Copyright 2023 IMPACT in Healthcare.