Amy Tsao

Director of Volunteer Coordination

headshot of Amy in the sun

Amy has been working in healthcare since 2011 as an OR/ICU tech, doula, and ICU nurse. She currently lives in Philadelphia and recently transitioned to her new role as a CRNA. She has been engaged in activism since age 6 (her mom took her to a Free Tibet protest) and firmly believes that nurse leaders will shape the future of healthcare. Her favorite hobbies are making scrub caps, playing video games, riding her bike, and exploring new places. Mr. Oswald is her adopted stray dog and the love of her life.


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It's time for change
Building a better system for ALL patients and Healthcare Workers
PO Box 75972, Los Angeles, CA 90075-9997
501(c)(3) Organization, EIN: 87-2641586
Copyright 2023 IMPACT in Healthcare.